Consumer products & services

Change for the better in consumer products & services

The landscape of consumer products and services has been radically transformed by the digital transformation of commerce and marketing. Consumers now have access to more channels, options, sources of information, and smart tools than ever before. This has confronted consumer brands with great challenges, but also created enormous opportunities.

Those who have successfully embraced digital transformation are now the winners in their segment. However, maintaining that position in the coming years is not a given. New entrants who optimally utilise the latest technological capabilities from AI and regulation, and changing consumer behaviour regarding sustainability, demand the utmost from brands to retain and grow their often decades-long market shares.

Innovation in consumer products and services

Now that consumers can easily visualise, compare and purchase all available options in product categories, the strength of your proposition and product or service itself is crucial. Price/quality, design, sustainability and innovation weigh heavily. Before we look at opportunities in performance marketing, we also look closely at their products and services with clients. How is your product market fit and how competitive is your offer compared to established players and new entrants? Where are the short and long term opportunities on the axis of sustainability, technology and new business models to make strides here, or maybe even to innovate a whole new offering?

Our business services
Brabantia AR

Brands in a changing World

In markets where consumers are inundated with impressions and alternatives, you need to stand out. While branding has at times been overshadowed by data-driven marketing in recent years, we see that it remains of crucial importance in achieving maximum performance as a brand. We assist brands in cultivating their unique features, creating a distinctive and recognisable brand identity and content that stays with people.

Our branding services
Frontaal beer branding
shape language

Omnichannel brand experience

In the consumer products and services market, expectations for customer experience are very high. If these standards are not met, consumers will simply look elsewhere. Developing seamless customer journeys requires a fusion of creativity and technology. This allows for an optimal mix of convenience and efficiency on one hand, and experience and wonder on the other hand in every journey.

Our experience services
creating a customer journey

An optimal mix between brand and performance

Modern consumer marketing requires robust technology to perform efficiently and effectively across all channels. We assist consumer brands in developing a marketing strategy and martech landscape capable of realising even the greatest ambitions. We utilise data and powerful tools to improve your performance every day. We look through impressions and clicks to find the best routes towards concrete bottom-line results.

Our marketing services
man is sitting behind a computer

Some of our clients
